Grandmother Turtle



Center For Wholeness Of Mind, Body & Spirit

We are very happy that Victor Barron will be back in Vienna: program 2024

Upcoming Events


Home And Business Cleansing

Transform the places where you live and work


Workshops And Healing Meditations

To open your heart and center you with God


Upcoming Events

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About The Teachers


Kordula Schnur


Monika Ussner


Grandmother Turtle Is A Place Where You Can Experience The Wholeness Of Your Body, Mind, and Spirit Through Spiritual Healing And Cleansing

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Some Words From Shaman Victor Barron

Victor Barron is a shaman from California whose principles we use in all our healing work, and whose methods we teach in all our healer training.

“We need to take the time to pray, be focused, trust, believe, have faith and surrender. One of our most negative characteristics is: we want to control everything. We need to let go and let God. Offer every day to God and say everything that happens today, is because of Your Divine Will. We also need to start to use our gift of intuition. We must elevate this gift to a higher level of trusting. It is God’s way of communicating with us, in order, to learn, to trust and obey. We will always be at the right place at the right time.

We must remember to be as children, take five minutes out of your daily prayer to be simple, like a child. In that state of consciousness, speak to God and ask him what you need or what you want without any fear. Wait, and our father will speak to you!

God bless everyone, Mother Earth, and everything that lives in our beautiful planet. God also said enjoy life but with measure…"